MEDUZA, è “Phone” il nuovo inedito

Il trio di dj italiano famoso in tutto il mondo, i Meduza, tornano con un nuovo pezzo dal titolo "Phone" con Sam Tompkins ed Em Beihold.

Dopo aver scalato le classifiche globali con più di 20 miliardi di stream totali, collezionando oltre 160 dischi di Platino e Diamante, il trio di producer italiani più famoso  al mondo – composto da Mattia VitaleSimone Giani e Luca De Gregorio – torna a  farci ballarePhone Ft. Sam Tompkins & Em Beihold è il nuovo singolo dei Meduza, disponibile da venerdì 7 luglio 2023, in radio e su tutte le piattaforme digitali.

Il gruppo dei record di musica house made in Italy – che ha saputo imporsi sulla scena internazionale in maniera estremamente rapida con hit del calibro di Lose ControlPiece Of Your HeartParadiseTell It To My Heart feat. Hozier e Bad Memories x James Carter ft. Elley Duhé & FAST BOY – si conferma essere con Phoneuno dei più innovativi e all’avanguardia del panorama musicale mondiale: con le voci avvolgenti di Sam Tompkins e Em Beihold, la produzione dei Meduza mette in campo sonorità nuove e un beat travolgente che coinvolge al primo ascolto.

I Meduza – resident a Ibiza e a Las Vegas – sono impegnati in un grandissimo tour globale che procede a colpi di sold-out alla conquista dei migliori dancefloor mondiali.

Il testo di “Phone” dei Meduza feat. Sam Tompkins, Em Beihold

Ahh, I guess I’ll try call her again

Thought we were something, but now we are nothing
I did something wrong, but I don’t know what
Just want you to want me, but you just wanna leave me at the tone

Why don’t you pick up the phone
When I’m all alone? Do you hate me?
Hits me like a heart attack
When you don’t call back, someone save me

Why don’t you pick up the phone
When I’m all alone? Do you hate me?
Hits me like a heart attack
When you don’t call back, someone save me

It keeps ringing
On and on, and on, and on, and on
On and on, and on, and on, and on
On and on, and on, and on, and
On and on, and on, and

I’m tired of waiting, overcomplicating
Things will never change, always stay the same
Better to be broken, so I’m just gonna leave you at the tone

Why don’t you pick up the phone
When I’m all alone? Do you hate me?
Hits me like a heart attack
When you don’t call back, someone save me

Why don’t you pick up the phone
When I’m all alone? Do you hate me?
Hits me like a heart attack
When you don’t call back, someone save me

It keeps ringing
On and on, and on, and on, and
On and on, and on, and on, and
On and on, and on, and on, and (hello, no one is available to take your call)
(Please leave a message after the tone)

Why don’t you pick up the phone
When I’m all alone? Do you hate me? (Do you hate me?)
Hits me like an heart attack
When you don’t call back, someone save me (someone save me)

It keeps ringing
On and on, and on, and on, and on
On and on, and on, and on, and
On and on, and on, and on, and
On and on, and on, and on, and

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